Eligibility and Priority Scheme

Eligibility and Priority Scheme
Eligibility and Priority Schemes

Q1) The Developer will be selling the DBSS flats at market price. Why do I need to meet eligibility conditions and face restrictions in re-selling my flat in future?

A1) The Developer is stepping into HDB’s shoes to develop public housing under DBSS. The target market for DBSS flats remains similar to that for new HDB flats. You must satisfy the eligibility conditions for purchase of new HDB flats before you qualify to buy DBSS flats. All the rules are put in place to ensure the affordability of the DBSS flats to the target groups.
Restrictions such as the minimum occupation period (MOP) condition is a fundamental policy to underscore that DBSS flats is for owner occupation and not for the purpose of speculation to generate income. Hence, you will need to satisfy an MOP of five years (computed from the date of taking possession of the DBSS flat and excluding any period of non occupation) before you may sell your flat in the resale market.

Q2) What are the basic eligibility conditions to buy a DBSS flat? How do I know if I qualify to buy?

A2) DBSS flats will be offered for sale under similar eligibility rules, terms and restrictions as those prevailing and applicable to new HDB flats. The main eligibility rules include the requirement of a family nucleus of one Singapore Citizen with at least another Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident, income ceiling of $10,000 per month, minimum age of 21 years and non-ownership of private residential property.

For further details on the eligibility conditions, please refer to the DBSS Terms and Conditions or the HDB InfoWEB at www.hdb.gov.sg

Q3) What is Ethnic Integration Policy? Is it applicable to DBSS flats and how would I be affected?

A3) The Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) has been implemented since 1989 to ensure a balanced mix of different ethnic groups and to prevent the formation of ethnic enclaves in public housing estates. It helps to promote racial integration and fosters harmonious living among ethnic communities. The EIP is applicable to the sale of flats under the DBSS, since it is still considered public housing. The Developer needs to adhere to this policy, which is applied uniformly and consistently across all ethnic groups in the sale of new flats, allocation of rental flats as well as resale flats in the open market. Under the EIP, a quota is set for each ethnic group for each block. During selection, you will be able to book a DBSS flat if the limit for your ethnic group has not been reached.

Q4) What is a family nucleus for the purpose of application for a DBSS flat?

A4) A family nucleus can consist of one of the following combinations:
(a) applicant and his spouse and children (if any). An occupier who is married must also include his spouse;
(b) applicant (single) and both his parents, and siblings (if any);
(c) applicant (widowed or divorced) and children under his legal custody;
(d) applicant and fiancé/fiancée;
(e) orphaned applicant and his single siblings (to submit copies of Death Certificates of parents for verification), a single orphan applicant and all his unmarried siblings are to be listed in the same application; or
(f) such other categories as HDB in its absolute discretion may deem a proper family nucleus

Q5) If we plan to get married later, can we apply for a DBSS flat now? When do we need to produce our marriage certificate under the Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme?

A5) Yes, you can apply to buy a DBSS flat under the Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme. However, you will need to produce your marriage certificate to the Developer for their inspection within three months from the date you take possession of the DBSS flat.

However, if you have received the CPF Housing Grant, you will be required to produce your marriage certificate to the Developer for inspection before you take possession of the DBSS flat. If your fiancé or fiancée is below 21 years old, he or she can only be included as an occupier in your application. The written consent from the minor’s parents or guardians must be submitted together with the application.

Q6) Can I buy a DBSS flat if I own a subsidized flat that was bought direct from HDB as my first HDB home?

A6) If you and/or your spouse owns a subsidized flat bought direct from HDB (or a resale HDB flat bought under the CPF Housing Grant Scheme) as your first HDB home, you can apply for a DBSS flat if you meet the following conditions:

(a) you and/or your spouse must have occupied the flat for at least five years (excluding period(s) of non-occupation, for example, subletting of the whole flat) at the time of application for a DBSS flat; and
(b) you and/or your spouse are able to meet the eligibility conditions for buying a DBSS flat.
You and/or your spouse must dispose of the HDB flat within six months from the date of taking possession of the DBSS flat.

Q7) I own a resale HDB flat (without CPF Housing Grant) and have obtained HDB Branch Office’s approval to sublet my flat. When can I apply to buy a DBSS flat with the Developer? Can I also continue to sublet my flat after I book a DBSS flat that is under construction?

A7) You can apply to buy a DBSS flat if you are able to satisfy the minimum occupation period for your existing resale HDB flat. You can also continue to sublet your flat. However, you will need to meet the minimum occupation period (MOP) of 1two and a half years or one year (whichever is applicable) for your flat before you can apply for a DBSS flat. This period
excludes any period of non-occupation, (for example, subletting of the whole flat). It is computed from the date of resale completion of your flat to the DBSS project’s estimated Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) date.

For further details on the eligibility conditions, please refer to the DBSS Terms and Conditions and the HDB InfoWEB at www.hdb.gov.sg

Q8) Can I buy a DBSS flat if I own a private property? Can I be exempted if I have inherited a minority interest in a private property?

A8) If you or your spouse owns a private property in Singapore/overseas, you are not eligible to buy a DBSS flat from the Developer if you and/or your spouse own full share in the property. If you have disposed of your private property, you will need to satisfy a 30-month time period before you can apply for a DBSS flat.

If you and/or your spouse have a minority interest in a private property, you may request for exemption prior to your DBSS application and submit the necessary documents to support your request. Approval for exemption may be granted on compassionate grounds depending on the merits of each case.

For more information on request for HDB’s exemption, please refer to the HDB InfoWEB at www.hdb.gov.sg

Q9) I have sold an Executive Condominium Unit which I previously bought from the EC developer. It was my first flat purchase. Can I still buy a DBSS flat? If I can buy, do I need to pay a resale levy?

A9) You can still apply to buy a DBSS flat after you have met the 5-year period from the date of taking possession of the earlier Executive Condominium Unit and after you have met the 30-month period from the effective date of disposal (i.e. date of legal completion of the sale of the Executive Condominium Unit, evidenced by the Notice of Transfer or such other
documentary evidence as HDB may require) of the Executive Condominium Unit. Since DBSS flats are sold at market prices, you do not need to pay the resale levy.

Q10) Can I buy or invest in private residential property in Singapore/overseas after I have bought a DBSS flat?

A10) You cannot buy or invest in a private residential property (including overseas ones) from the date of your application to buy a DBSS flat up to the expiry of the five-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP). The MOP is calculated from the date of taking possession of the DBSS flat (excluding period(s) of non-occupation, for example, subletting of the whole flat).

Q11) I owe HDB money, for example the $5,000 registration deposit when my earlier flat application with HDB was cancelled. Do I need to pay this $5,000 to HDB now?

A11) Yes, you will need to pay the registration deposit (with interest) to HDB before you can qualify to buy another subsidized housing, Executive Condominium Unit or DBSS flat. As you are buying a DBSS flat, please pay the amount to the DBSS Developer by cheque or Cashier’s Order issued in favour of “the Housing and Development Board” before you can sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement of the DBSS flat.

Q12) Are the Third Child Priority (TCP) Scheme and the Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS) applicable to DBSS? Can I request for more than one priority scheme in my flat application?

A12) Yes, Third Child Priority (TCP) Scheme and the Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS) are applicable to DBSS. These schemes were put in place to meet specific social objectives, such as to promote mutual care and support between married children and their parents and to promote a three-child family norm. The conditions for the two priority schemes are similar to those which apply when making an application for new HDB flats.